Biopython 1.79-foss-2021a

Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers. It is a distributed collaborative effort to develop Python libraries and applications which address the needs of current and future work in bioinformatics.

Accessing Biopython 1.79-foss-2021a

To load the module for Biopython 1.79-foss-2021a please use this command on Baskerville:

📋 module load bask-apps/live
module load Biopython/1.79-foss-2021a

Bask Apps Env


More Information

For more information visit the Biopython website.


This version of Biopython has a direct dependency on: foss/2021a Python/3.9.5-GCCcore-10.3.0 SciPy-bundle/2021.05-foss-2021a

Required By

This version of Biopython is a direct dependent of: AlphaFold/2.2.2-foss-2021a-CUDA-11.3.1

Last modified on 22nd August 2022