Perl-bundle-CPAN 5.36.1-GCCcore-12.3.0

A set of common packages from CPAN

Accessing Perl-bundle-CPAN 5.36.1-GCCcore-12.3.0

To load the module for Perl-bundle-CPAN 5.36.1-GCCcore-12.3.0 please use this command on Baskerville:

📋 module load bask-apps/live
module load Perl-bundle-CPAN/5.36.1-GCCcore-12.3.0

Bask Apps Env



  • Algorithm::Dependency 1.112
  • Algorithm::Diff 1.201
  • aliased 0.34
  • AnyEvent 7.17
  • App::Cmd 0.335
  • App::cpanminus 1.7046
  • AppConfig 1.71
  • Archive::Extract 0.88
  • Array::Transpose 0.06
  • Array::Utils 0.5
  • Authen::NTLM 1.09
  • Authen::SASL 2.16
  • AutoLoader 5.74
  • B::COW 0.007
  • B::Hooks::EndOfScope 0.26
  • B::Lint 1.20
  • boolean 0.46
  • Business::ISBN 3.008
  • Business::ISBN::Data 20230516.001
  • Canary::Stability 2013
  • Capture::Tiny 0.48
  • Carp::Clan 6.08
  • Carp::Heavy 1.50
  • CGI 4.57
  • Class::Accessor 0.51
  • Class::Data::Inheritable 0.09
  • Class::DBI v3.0.17
  • Class::DBI::SQLite 0.11
  • Class::Inspector 1.36
  • Class::ISA 0.36
  • Class::Load 0.25
  • Class::Load::XS 0.10
  • Class::Method::Modifiers 2.15
  • Class::Singleton 1.6
  • Class::Tiny 1.008
  • Class::Trigger 0.15
  • Class::XSAccessor 1.19
  • Clone 0.46
  • Clone::Choose 0.010
  • common::sense 3.75
  • Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.204
  • Config::General 2.65
  • Config::INI 0.029
  • Config::MVP 2.200013
  • Config::MVP::Reader::INI 2.101465
  • Config::Simple 4.58
  • Config::Tiny 2.29
  • Const::Exporter 1.2.2
  • Const::Fast 0.014
  • CPAN::Meta::Check 0.017
  • CPAN::Uploader 0.103018
  • CPANPLUS 0.9914
  • Crypt::DES 2.07
  • Crypt::Rijndael 1.16
  • Cwd 3.75
  • Cwd::Guard 0.05
  • Data::Dump 1.25
  • Data::Dumper::Concise 2.023
  • Data::Grove 0.08
  • Data::OptList 0.114
  • Data::Section 0.200008
  • Data::Section::Simple 0.07
  • Data::Stag 0.14
  • Data::Types 0.17
  • Data::UUID 1.226
  • Date::Handler 1.2
  • Date::Language 2.33
  • DateTime 1.59
  • DateTime::Locale 1.38
  • DateTime::TimeZone 2.60
  • DateTime::Tiny 1.07
  • DBD::CSV 0.60
  • DBD::SQLite 1.72
  • DBI 1.643
  • DBIx::Admin::CreateTable 2.11
  • DBIx::Admin::DSNManager 2.02
  • DBIx::Admin::TableInfo 3.04
  • DBIx::ContextualFetch 1.03
  • DBIx::Simple 1.37
  • Devel::CheckCompiler 0.07
  • Devel::CheckLib 1.16
  • Devel::Cycle 1.12
  • Devel::FindPerl 0.016
  • Devel::GlobalDestruction 0.14
  • Devel::OverloadInfo 0.007
  • Devel::Size 0.83
  • Devel::StackTrace 2.04
  • Digest::HMAC 1.04
  • Digest::MD5::File 0.08
  • Digest::SHA1 2.13
  • Dist::CheckConflicts 0.11
  • Dist::Zilla 6.030
  • Email::Date::Format 1.008
  • Encode 3.19
  • Encode::Locale 1.05
  • Error 0.17029
  • Eval::Closure 0.14
  • Exception::Class 1.45
  • Expect 1.35
  • Exporter::Declare 0.114
  • Exporter::Tiny 1.006002
  • ExtUtils::CBuilder 0.280236
  • ExtUtils::Config 0.008
  • ExtUtils::Constant 0.25
  • ExtUtils::CppGuess 0.26
  • ExtUtils::Helpers 0.026
  • ExtUtils::InstallPaths 0.012
  • ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.70
  • ExtUtils::ParseXS 3.44
  • Fennec::Lite 0.004
  • File::CheckTree 4.42
  • File::Copy::Recursive 0.45
  • File::Copy::Recursive::Reduced 0.006
  • File::Find::Rule 0.34
  • File::Find::Rule::Perl 1.16
  • File::Grep 0.02
  • File::HomeDir 1.006
  • File::Listing 6.15
  • File::Next 1.18
  • File::pushd 1.016
  • File::Remove 1.61
  • File::ShareDir 1.118
  • File::ShareDir::Install 0.14
  • File::Slurp 9999.32
  • File::Slurp::Tiny 0.004
  • File::Slurper 0.014
  • File::Temp 0.2311
  • File::Which 1.27
  • Font::TTF 1.06
  • Getopt::Long::Descriptive 0.111
  • Git 0.42
  • GO 0.04
  • GO::Utils 0.15
  • Graph 0.9726
  • Graph::ReadWrite 2.10
  • Hash::Merge 0.302
  • Hash::Objectify 0.008
  • Heap 0.80
  • Hook::LexWrap 0.26
  • HTML::Entities::Interpolate 1.10
  • HTML::Form 6.11
  • HTML::Parser 3.81
  • HTML::Tagset 3.20
  • HTML::Template 2.97
  • HTML::Tree 5.07
  • HTTP::CookieJar 0.014
  • HTTP::Cookies 6.10
  • HTTP::Daemon 6.16
  • HTTP::Date 6.05
  • HTTP::Message 6.44
  • HTTP::Negotiate 6.01
  • HTTP::Tiny 0.082
  • if 0.0608
  • Ima::DBI 0.35
  • Import::Into 1.002005
  • Importer 0.026
  • Inline 0.86
  • IO::Compress::Zip 2.204
  • IO::HTML 1.004
  • IO::Socket::SSL 2.083
  • IO::String 1.08
  • IO::Stringy 2.113
  • IO::TieCombine 1.005
  • IO::Tty 1.17
  • IO::Tty 1.17
  • IPC::Cmd 1.04
  • IPC::Run 20220807.0
  • IPC::Run3 0.048
  • IPC::System::Simple 1.30
  • JSON 4.10
  • JSON::MaybeXS 1.004005
  • JSON::XS 4.03
  • Lingua::EN::PluralToSingular 0.21
  • List::AllUtils 0.19
  • List::MoreUtils 0.430
  • List::MoreUtils::XS 0.430
  • List::SomeUtils 0.59
  • List::UtilsBy 0.12
  • local::lib 2.000029
  • Locale::Maketext::Simple 0.21
  • Log::Dispatch 2.71
  • Log::Dispatch::Array 1.005
  • Log::Dispatchouli 3.002
  • Log::Handler 0.90
  • Log::Log4perl 1.57
  • Log::Message 0.08
  • Log::Message::Simple 0.10
  • Log::Report 1.34
  • Log::Report::Optional 1.07
  • Logger::Simple 2.0
  • LWP::MediaTypes 6.04
  • LWP::Protocol::https 6.10
  • LWP::Simple 6.70
  • Mail::Util 2.21
  • Math::Bezier 0.01
  • Math::CDF 0.1
  • Math::Round 0.07
  • Math::Utils 1.14
  • Math::VecStat 0.08
  • MCE::Mutex 1.884
  • Meta::Builder 0.004
  • MIME::Base64 3.16
  • MIME::Charset v1.013.1
  • MIME::Lite 3.033
  • MIME::Types 2.24
  • Mixin::Linewise::Readers 0.111
  • Mock::Quick 1.111
  • Module::Build 0.4234
  • Module::Build::Tiny 0.045
  • Module::Build::XSUtil 0.19
  • Module::CoreList 5.20230423
  • Module::Implementation 0.09
  • Module::Install 1.21
  • Module::Load 0.36
  • Module::Load::Conditional 0.74
  • Module::Metadata 1.000038
  • Module::Path 0.19
  • Module::Path 0.19
  • Module::Pluggable 5.2
  • Module::Runtime 0.016
  • Module::Runtime::Conflicts 0.003
  • Moo 2.005005
  • Moose 2.2203
  • MooseX::LazyRequire 0.11
  • MooseX::OneArgNew 0.007
  • MooseX::Role::Parameterized 1.11
  • MooseX::SetOnce 0.203
  • MooseX::Types 0.50
  • MooseX::Types::Perl 0.101344
  • Mouse v2.5.10
  • Mozilla::CA 20221114
  • MRO::Compat 0.15
  • namespace::autoclean 0.29
  • namespace::clean 0.27
  • Net::Domain 3.15
  • Net::HTTP 6.22
  • Net::SMTP::SSL 1.04
  • Net::SNMP v6.0.1
  • Net::SSLeay 1.92
  • Number::Compare 0.03
  • Number::Format 1.75
  • Object::Accessor 0.48
  • Object::InsideOut 4.05
  • Object::InsideOut 4.05
  • Package::Constants 0.06
  • Package::DeprecationManager 0.18
  • Package::Stash 0.40
  • Package::Stash::XS 0.30
  • PadWalker 2.5
  • Parallel::ForkManager 2.02
  • Params::Check 0.38
  • Params::Util 1.102
  • Params::Validate 1.31
  • Params::ValidationCompiler 0.31
  • parent 0.241
  • Parse::RecDescent 1.967015
  • Parse::Yapp 1.21
  • Path::Tiny 0.144
  • PDF::API2 2.044
  • Perl::OSType 1.010
  • Perl::PrereqScanner 1.100
  • PerlIO::utf8_strict 0.010
  • Pod::Elemental 0.103006
  • Pod::Escapes 1.07
  • Pod::Eventual 0.094003
  • Pod::LaTeX 0.61
  • Pod::Man 5.01
  • Pod::Parser 1.66
  • Pod::Plainer 1.04
  • Pod::POM 2.01
  • Pod::Simple 3.45
  • Pod::Weaver 4.019
  • PPI 1.276
  • Readonly 2.05
  • Ref::Util 0.204
  • Regexp::Common 2017060201
  • Role::HasMessage 0.007
  • Role::Identifiable::HasIdent 0.009
  • Role::Tiny 2.002004
  • Scalar::Util 1.63
  • Scalar::Util::Numeric 0.40
  • Scope::Guard 0.21
  • Set::Array 0.30
  • Set::IntervalTree 0.12
  • Set::IntSpan 1.19
  • Set::IntSpan::Fast 1.15
  • Set::Object 1.42
  • Set::Scalar 1.29
  • Shell 0.73
  • Socket 2.036
  • Software::License 0.104003
  • Specio 0.48
  • Spiffy 0.46
  • SQL::Abstract 2.000001
  • SQL::Statement 1.414
  • Statistics::Basic 1.6611
  • Statistics::Descriptive 3.0800
  • Storable 3.25
  • strictures 2.000006
  • String::Errf 0.009
  • String::Flogger 1.101246
  • String::Formatter 1.235
  • String::Print 0.94
  • String::RewritePrefix 0.009
  • String::Truncate 1.100603
  • String::TtyLength 0.03
  • Sub::Exporter 0.989
  • Sub::Exporter::ForMethods 0.100055
  • Sub::Exporter::GlobExporter 0.006
  • Sub::Exporter::Progressive 0.001013
  • Sub::Identify 0.14
  • Sub::Info 0.002
  • Sub::Install 0.929
  • Sub::Name 0.27
  • Sub::Quote 2.006008
  • Sub::Uplevel 0.2800
  • SVG 2.87
  • Switch 2.17
  • Sys::Info 0.7811
  • Sys::Info::Base 0.7807
  • Sys::Info::Driver::Linux 0.7905
  • Sys::Info::Driver::Linux::Device::CPU 0.7905
  • Sys::Info::Driver::Unknown 0.79
  • Sys::Info::Driver::Unknown::Device::CPU 0.79
  • Template 3.101
  • Template::Plugin::Number::Format 1.06
  • Term::Encoding 0.03
  • Term::ReadKey 2.38
  • Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.45
  • Term::Table 0.016
  • Term::UI 0.50
  • Test 1.26
  • Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings 0.09
  • Test2::Require::Module 0.000155
  • Test::Base 0.89
  • Test::CheckDeps 0.010
  • Test::ClassAPI 1.07
  • Test::CleanNamespaces 0.24
  • Test::Deep 1.204
  • Test::Differences 0.69
  • Test::Exception 0.43
  • Test::FailWarnings 0.008
  • Test::Fatal 0.017
  • Test::File 1.993
  • Test::File::ShareDir::Dist 1.001002
  • Test::Harness 3.44
  • Test::LeakTrace 0.17
  • Test::Memory::Cycle 1.06
  • Test::More::UTF8 0.05
  • Test::Most 0.38
  • Test::Needs 0.002010
  • Test::NoWarnings 1.06
  • Test::Object 0.08
  • Test::Output 1.033
  • Test::Pod 1.52
  • Test::Requires 0.11
  • Test::RequiresInternet 0.05
  • Test::Simple 1.302195
  • Test::SubCalls 1.10
  • Test::Sys::Info 0.23
  • Test::Version 2.09
  • Test::Warn 0.37
  • Test::Warnings 0.031
  • Test::Without::Module 0.21
  • Test::YAML 1.07
  • Text::Aligner 0.16
  • Text::Balanced 2.06
  • Text::CSV 2.02
  • Text::CSV_XS 1.50
  • Text::Diff 1.45
  • Text::Format 0.62
  • Text::Glob 0.11
  • Text::Iconv 1.7
  • Text::Soundex 3.05
  • Text::Table 1.135
  • Text::Table::Manifold 1.03
  • Text::Template 1.61
  • Throwable 1.001
  • Tie::Function 0.02
  • Tie::IxHash 1.23
  • Time::Local 1.35
  • Time::Piece 1.3401
  • Time::Piece::MySQL 0.06
  • Tree::DAG_Node 1.32
  • Try::Tiny 0.31
  • Type::Tiny 2.004000
  • Types::Serialiser 1.01
  • Types::Serialiser 1.01
  • Unicode::EastAsianWidth 12.0
  • Unicode::LineBreak 2019.001
  • UNIVERSAL::moniker 0.08
  • Unix::Processors 2.046
  • Unix::Processors 2.046
  • URI 5.19
  • Variable::Magic 0.63
  • version 0.9929
  • Want 0.29
  • WWW::RobotRules 6.02
  • XML::Bare 0.53
  • XML::DOM 1.46
  • XML::Filter::BufferText 1.01
  • XML::NamespaceSupport 1.12
  • XML::Parser 2.46
  • XML::RegExp 0.04
  • XML::SAX 1.02
  • XML::SAX::Base 1.09
  • XML::SAX::Expat 0.51
  • XML::SAX::Writer 0.57
  • XML::Simple 2.25
  • XML::Tiny 2.07
  • XML::Twig 3.52
  • XML::Writer 0.900
  • XML::XPath 1.48
  • XSLoader 0.24
  • YAML 1.30
  • YAML::Tiny 1.74

More Information

For more information visit the Perl-bundle-CPAN website.


This version of Perl-bundle-CPAN has a direct dependency on: expat/2.5.0-GCCcore-12.3.0 GCCcore/12.3.0 libreadline/8.2-GCCcore-12.3.0 ncurses/6.4-GCCcore-12.3.0 OpenSSL/1.1 Perl/5.36.1-GCCcore-12.3.0 zlib/1.2.13-GCCcore-12.3.0

Required By

This version of Perl-bundle-CPAN is a direct dependent of: intltool/0.51.0-GCCcore-12.3.0

Last modified on 27th September 2024